Monday, January 3, 2011

Author Spotlight: Megan McCafferty & Giveaway!

Please Welcome Megan McCafferty
Author of the Jessica Darling series and Bumped!

1) Could you tell us a bit about yourself.

Megan: Let’s see…I’m New Jersey born and raised, and even spent a few summers in high school and college serving ice-cream and exchanging tokens in an arcade on the boardwalk in Seaside Heights. But I’ve never fist-pumped unironically, hooked up with a gorilla juicehead or pouffed my hair Snookie-style. 

2) What was the inspiration for writing Bumped?

Megan: Whether fictional (Juno), semi-famous (Bristol Palin and Jamie Lyn Spears) infamous (the girls of the Gloucester High School “pregnancy pact”), or not-famous-until-MTV-made-them famous (the girls of 16 and Pregnant and Teen Mom) pregnant teens make big news. I’ve been troubled by the media’s response to the so-called “teen mom phenom.” As with most controversial subjects, any reasonable discussion about the teen pregnancy problem gets overwhelmed by extreme thinking that leaves very little room for common sense middle ground.  

The ironic thing is, BUMPED isn’t an “issue book” about teen pregnancy. It’s a book about making choices, defying expectations, and living the life you want to live. 

3) Were there any personal experiences that went in to writing Bumped?

Megan: Unlike the Jessica Darling series (for which I drew a lot from my experiences growing up as a brainy overachiever in suburban town where such qualities weren’t exactly appreciated), BUMPED has nothing to do me personally.

4) Was Melody and Harmony's characters based on anyone or were they purely made up characters? What are they like?

Megan: These girls are pure fiction, but inspired by lots of research, reading, and observation of real people in real life. They’re sixteen-year-old identical twins that were separated at birth and raised in radically different environments. Harmony has grown up in a deeply religious settlement called The Church that isolates itself from the outside world. As a member of the Church community, she’s expected to get married at 13 and have as many babies as possible before she’s made infertile by the virus that affects 75 percent of people on earth. Her sister Melody lives in a future version of Princeton, New Jersey that’s not all that different from where I currently live…only she’s being paid six figures to make and deliver a baby for a couple who can’t have one for themselves. In the novel, both girls begin to question everything they’ve ever been brought up to believe. 

5) What was your inspiration in the cover art for Bumped?

Megan: I had no input with the cover, but I love that it doesn’t look like anything 
else on the shelves right now. 

6) Do you plan to have Bumped as a stand alone novel or part of a series?

Megan: Trilogies are big, but BUMPED will only have one sequel. The book focuses on a set of identical twins, so two books made symmetrical sense to me. 

7) Could you tell us a bit about your Jessica Darling series?

Megan: The Jessica Darling series followed one young woman’s coming-of-age over five books and ten years of her life. She evolved from a snarky, 16-year-old trying to survive catty cliques, unrequited crushes and other daily indignities of high school, into a slightly less snarky 26-year-old woman looking to do something meaningful with her life. Through it all, the on-again/off-again love of her life, Marcus Flutie, complicated matters in the most intoxicating and infuriating ways.

8) What was your inspiration for Jessica's character? 

Megan: I created the kind of smart, funny and outspoken female protagonist I wish I’d found in a book when I was in high school. 

9) What do you plan on doing in the future?

Megan: For the next four months or so I’ll be working on the sequel for BUMPED. I’ve got the tiniest germ of an idea for what might come after that, but it will require me to do a lot of research before I can turn it into anything close to a book. 

  10) Do you write to music? If so, what is your favorite?

  Megan: I always write to music. It varies according to my mood and what kind of scenes I’m writing that day. It’s hard for me to pick a favorite artist or song. I was shocked when I discovered that my most played song iTunes was “Stronger” by Kanye West. I mean, WHAT?! I had no idea I’d listened to that song 189 times!

11) What are you reading right now?

Megan: “The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks” by Rebecca Skloot. I’m reading it for my book club. And I’m about to start an ARC for a YA novel titled, “The Statistical Probability of Love at First Sight” by debut novelist Jennifer E. Smith.

12) Who are a few of your favorite authors?

Megan: Rachel Cohn, Sarah Dessen, Patricia McCormick, Carolyn Mackler and Gabrielle Zevin. They all happen to be pretty amazing people too.

13) Anything you would like to add?

Megan: BUMPED is dystopian, but it isn’t depressing. Early readers have expressed surprise at how much there was to laugh about in such an apocalyptic scenario. But that’s my goal as a writer: Make people laugh and think.

Make sure to check out Megan's website:

Thanks Megan for stopping by Book Junky!


Want to win a Pre-Order of Bumped?
A copy of Perfect Fifths( Jessica Darling #5)
and a signed bookmark?

There will be two winners, one for the pre-order of Bumped
and one for the Perfect Fifths and bookmark

Just Fill out the form below!
Open International
Ends 2-1-11

Good Luck and Happy Reading!

** Contest Closed**


Unknown said...

This looks like an amazing book and I can't wait to read it then hand it down to my daughter!


Kat said...

First one to comment- yahoo! (sorry). I admit I'm a sucker for all those depressing, brutal dystopias, but it should be fun to read a dystopia like Bumped which is more light-hearted. I like the cover as well, simply because it's so eye-catching-- makes you curious. Anyway, great interview and thanks for the giveaway!

Booklady said...

Thanks for a great interview. I was not aware of the Jessica Darling series. I'm checking the library for a copy now. Bumped sounds very interesting and I've just added it to my to read list.

Simcha said...

Bumped sounds like a really interesting book. I've had it on my wishlist for several weeks now, ever since I've started seeing it on the different book blogs.

Kristen My Bookish Fairy Tale said...

This sounds like a great book! And the introduction to a new author. Not that I really need a new one lmao Thanks hun!

Kristen H

Unknown said...

Bumped sounds like an interesting book. I love dystopians, so I think I will enjoy this book.

olgitsa said...

Thank u for the interview!!!sounds like a books I would love to read:)

Lisa (starmetal_oak) said...

I really can't wait to read this! I love the cover as well!

Jasmine Cervik said...

I can't wait for this one and am already excited to know that there will be a sequel. :)

Ammy Belle said...

I am super excited to read this book - from all the buzz on the interweb, and the dystopian lean - it seems perfect for my type of windy Sunday afternoon reading! Thanks for the interview! :D

apereiraorama @

Christi said...

I cannot wait for this book--April is so far away! I love dyspotia and love Megan McCafferty, can't wait to see the results of that combo!

Mrs. DeRaps said...

First, love the idea of this book. I work with teens, some of whom are teen parents, and love using books like this to talk about their experiences. Books are an excellent conduit for discussion.

Second, I, too, am reading The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks right now and find it fascinating and horrifying all at the same time. Fascinating in terms of science, horrifying in terms of the human rights abuses. I love great nonfiction.

Thanks for the interview and for the (early) chance to win!

Judit said...

I've heard a lot of great things about Jessica darling series (especiallý about Marcus:)), but I haven't had an opportunity to read the books yet. I'm very excited for BUMPED though, now when I've read this interview. Even better that the book is dystopia. I love DYSTOPIA! :D

Brittany said...

I love Megan and try to read every interview she does. Her books took me through my adolescence and into adulthood, and her writing has always been an inspiration to me. This was a great interview! I'm so happy you did it.

Jen Bigheart said...

This has been on my "must have or I will die" list for a long time! I love dystopian's!


Gingermommy said...

The book sounds wonderful, I love reading interviews of authors...interesting to meet the people behind the book

Natalie @ Book Lovers Life said...

Great interview, Can not wait to read it.

Lindsie said...

this is seriously the only book I am currently looking forward to. nothing else even registers on my radar. and these interviews just keep me salivating. great interview, but I have to say, this is torture!!!

Cialina at said...

haha wow, this is a great interview. I forgot how much I love Megan McCafferty! Can't wait for Bumped. I am SO glad to hear it isn't depressing. That's a plus in my book.

Alison said...

Great interview, I cant wait to read this book as I enjoyed all the Jessica Darling series.

A Canadian Girl said...

I can't wait to read Bumped and the cover really doesn't look like anything out there at the moment!

Pisinat said...

I was really intrigued by Bumped at first. But I have to admit it sounds really good, and Megan sold it very well in this (great, by the way) interview ;)

Vicky said...

I've never read anything from Megan McCafferty and I got to admit this has awaken my interest. I think I must get a copy of her of her other series after reading this interview! I want to read about a brainy overachiever! LOL

Vivien said...

I'm very excited for this release. It's great to know there's a dystopian that's not too depressing.

deadtossedwaves at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

I love the Jessica Darling series and I can't wait to see what Bumped holds!

Victoriya said...

love megan! i can't wait to read bumped!

Bea Tejano said...

I'm beyond stoked for this book! I hope its as good as the Jessica Darling series!

Aylee said...

I love the premise of this book but I'm relieved to hear that it's not an "issue book" about teen pregnancy and thus not too preachy. Looking forward to reading it!

Sharli said...

It's interesting that she mentions that even though Bumped is dystopian, it isn't depressing. That's one of the first things that comes to my mind when I think about dystopian.
I'm adding that to the list of reasons why I can't wait to read this book ;)

Tara said...

When I saw the cover, I first noticed that it didn't look the a typical dystopian cover! I'm glad to hear that it's more light-hearted! Some dystopians can be soooo depressing!

jess said...

Im REALLY looking forward to reading Bumped! And i love that it isnt a depressing dystopian novel.

jessica b

Emy Shin said...

BUMPED sounds amazing. I'm glad it's not a dark dystopian and am looking forward to reading it. :)

Badass Bookie said...

I so so so so looking forward to Bumped, did I mention I LOVED the cover! I surprised that there will only be two book! So one for each ssiter and that it? Interesting!

Kristina Barnes♥ said...

She's so right - the cover isn't exactly what's on shelves right now. But that's a good thing, too, because it draws attention to the book. I really, really want to read this book. :) Great interview, Steph ♥

Aleetha said...

So Bumped belongs to dystopian one. New genre for me. I'm looking forward to read it.

Bidisha said...

I've been seeing Bumped around blogosphere and I'm very intrigued.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for letting me know about this...:D
Great interview, Im looking forward to reading Bumped

Elodie said...

Thank you for this great interview !! I so want to read Bumped right now !! Awesome giveaway, thanks for making it international !!
Happy reading !!

Kulsuma said...

I can't wait to read Bumped because it sounds so interesting and relevant. I'm curious as to how light-hearted it could be:) Great interview!


Unknown said...

Great giveaway! The books look so interesting!!!

I Eat Words said...

I am so excited about Bumped! I LOVE the Jessica Darling series and freaked out when I found out that Megan McCafferty was writing a dystopian YA book.

Love the interview! And great site. :) New follower as well.

Natasha Areena said...

This looks like such an interesting book and I loved the interview. Both the questions and the answers were really fascinating

Test said...

Great interview! I LOVED Megan's Jessica Darling series, so this one is a MUST read for me.

Stephanie said...

How I love Megan McCafferty! She's so articulate, willing to tackle big topics but always has a great sense of humor about it. The Sloppy Firsts series was so important to me in my teenage years. Can't wait for Bumped--thanks for the chance to win it!

Anonymous said...

I'm looking forward to reading Bumped, a light-hearted dystopian sounds like an interesting and unique read.

Brynne said...

This seems like an awesome book! This book looks like an interesting twist on dystopia.

Perri said...

I like the sound of bumped...

Ive been looking out for a new great read :)

IdentitySeeker said...

I'm very excited about this series! All the best:)

Tina said...

Thanks for the great interview! I loved the Jessica Darling series, so I'm really looking forward to Bumped.

Anonymous said...

I loved her first series!! great times!!!

Monica said...

Great interview! I really can not wait for Bumped and I haven't read any of the Jessica Darling series but those all sound good too!

Anonymous said...

This sounds amazing! Thanks for the giveaway

Cass said...

Thanks for the interview and giveaway! Very informative--can't wait to read BUMPED.

Erika said...

I've been so excited about this book since I first heard about it. I love dystopian novels, and one about pregnancy sounds really interesting! Plus I read a few of the Jessica Darling books, and I loved Megan's writing. Thank you so much for the interview and giveaway!

Darlyn said...

I have to say I never read any of her books but it sure sounds rather amusing!

Unknown said...

Bumped sounds really awesome!! Great interview.

Shooting Stars Mag said...

Nice interview. I really want to read Bumped. I like that it's a bit amusing. That's always fun.


brandileigh2003 said...

I really like when books are able to make me laugh even in the middle of tough issues.

Unknown said...

Sounds interesting. Great Interview.

Gabrielle Carolina said...

Great interview! Dying to read this new series by Meghan!

tearyeyedstars said...

This book sounds really interesting ! (: great interview

Margaret said...

I've heard Megan's books are brilliantly written but I never got a chance to read them (everything is preventing me, it's either horrible luck or my country doesn't hold the stocks for long *pout*). Loving the interview, I'm reading all over again.
Thank you so much for this giveaway!
I'm really having my fingers crossed :)


Estella said...

Bumped sounds interesting!

iLuvReadingTooMuch said...

OMG Bumped sounds so good!!!

IdentitySeeker said...

Oops! Think I may have entered this giveaway twice (that's how much I'd like to read this book) and have tweeted once again at:!/SweetNSensible

P said...

Sounds like an interesting read...fingers crossed to win :)

Britta said...

I am SUPER excited to read this one! Great interview and thanks for the contest :)


Krista Cubicleblindness said...

I have had this book in my eyesite for awhile now, I cannot wait until it finally gets released, can't wait to read it

MoonStar said...

Usually I don´t read interviews. But you did write it in an easy way to read :) Well done :)
I am curious on Bumped :) And must admit I never heard of the other one before..

Lu said...

I had never heard of Bumped until I stumbled across this interview. It sounds like a book that I would love. I have added it to my " TBR" list!

Great interview!

lusravesandrants AT gmail DOT com

Anonymous said...

Both books sound awesome, would love to win either one :)

Thanks for the giveaway!


Anonymous said...

Thanks for this great interview! I am looking forward to reading Bumped.

Andra Lyn said...

This book sounds great. I read a few reviews at other blogs and everyone has wonderful things to say! I hope I win it!

ArtemisG said...

I've never read anything from Megan McCafferty but I'm really looking forward to reading Bumped.

EVA SB said...

I've been intrigued by the cover and look forward to passing this book on to my teenage daughter (after I've read it, of course!).

Britta said...

Oops! I just noticed that I entered a second time.... I really don't remember entering the first time. I'm really sorry. Please only count me once for 4 entries.

Khyla said...

Thanks for a great interview. I was not aware of the Jessica Darling series. Bumped sounds very interesting and I've just added it to my to read list.

fena(: said...

wow. both books seem really interesting! (no really, they do). thank you so much for the wonderful interview, and the opportunity! (:


blahblah_boo @ hotmail . com

Stephanie H. said...

Decided to check out some interviews of yours like you suggested :)

I really love the cover of this. I feel the same way as the author; I like that the cover isn't like anything on shelves right now. I've got this on my TBR already so i'm definitely going to enter the contest.

Aik said...

This book really caught my interest with its simple but meaningful cover and intriguing synopsis. Thanks for posting this interview! :)

aikychien at yahoo dot com

Nina B. said...

I've always wanted to read this book! Thank you so much for this giveaway and for the interview as well :D

Brush Up On Your Reading

The Library Owl said...

This book sounds great! Thanks for the interview and giveway :)

Nancye said...

I enjoyed reading this interview. I had not heard of the Jessica Darling book series. It sounds great! Books I'd definitely enjoy reading! "Bumped" sounds awesome! Thanks for the chance.

nancyecdavis AT bellsouth DOT net

Sunshine said...

I have heard of the Jessica Darling series and I had always planned to read them. I have to move them up on the list! Nice interview! Thanks for stopping by my site, too.

Enbrethiliel said...


I have my fingers crossed for Bumped. =) Who doesn't love a good dystopia?

Megan, I like the way you point out early in the interview that the media doesn't quite get the teenage pregnancy stories right. There really is more to this issue than we hear on the news or even want to admit to ourselves.

I think it's interesting that we now have books like Bumped and XVI (which is another dystopian novel taking its inspiration from modern views of girls' sexuality).

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