Steph: Hi Dawn, Thank you for joining me to day at The Thoughts of a Book Junky! How are you today?
Dawn: Hi Steph. Thank you for having me on your blog. To be perfectly honest, I’m having a bit of a rough morning. Brooke and Seth got into another fight today, so I’m just hoping that they don’t stake each other or burn down the cottage before I get back.

Steph: OK lets get started! How did you like growing up at the Scarlet house? Whats the best part about living there?
Dawn: The Scarlet House had always been my home, so it will forever hold a special place in my heart. Even though my father was the president, the guards and all of the staff members knew that I was not to be spoiled. And I liked it that way—I preferred to be treated like everyone else. If anything, at my father’s insistence, the tutors and the trainers were even tougher on me than any other students when it came to my training and education. The best part about living at the vampire president’s headquarters was having access to all the cool weapons that I got to play with!
Steph: So you finally received your first assignment, How excited are you?
Dawn: When my father finally gave me the assignment in Angel Creek, I couldn’t wait to get started! I had been waiting for that moment ever since I turned sixteen and was finally allowed to go out on my own missions. Even before then, I had always daydreamed about leaving the Scarlet House grounds and taking part in some serious butt-kicking. I think the guards were growing tired of being my training dummies, so I’m sure that they were happy as well.
Steph: What did you think of Angel Creek when you first arrived?
Dawn: I thought the town itself was very small, but beautiful. I was a little worried that the mission would be too easy, but obviously I was very wrong in that regard.
Steph: Were you nervous at all about being in charge of ReVamping the new guardians of Angel Creek? Ever have any doubts?
Dawn: I was much more excited than I was nervous. But upon meeting Brooke, Sophie, Hunter and Seth, yes…I do have to admit that I had some doubts. Actually, many doubts!
Steph: What did you think of the 4 Vamps you had to train? Any of them ever get on your nerves?
Dawn: Nothing could have prepared me for the foursome! They really caught me by surprise. I expected to spend one or two days at most preparing the new guardians, but obviously that wasn’t the case. There were quite a few times that I had to restrain myself from breaking my own rule of “no hurting team members”.
Steph: So Tell me a bit about Sebastian? ( Wink, Wink) oh and Ethan.. What about him?
Dawn: *Blush* I was promised that there wouldn’t be any questions about boys…
Well, as you know, Sebastian and I kind of got off to a rough start. The moment I met him, I had to prevent myself from kicking his arrogant little butt! But after getting to know him and finding out about his family and his past…things have kind of changed…
Ethan had also managed to cause quite a stir in my life. I was supposed to be in Angel Creek to work, so it was a bit unexpected to suddenly have two guys in my life.
Steph: Two guys in your life. How do you feel about that?
Dawn: I’m still trying to get used to the idea of ANY boys in my life. As you know, my life in the Scarlet House and my training didn’t leave much time for thinking about guys. Now, having to face my feelings about two of them is more than difficult. Why can’t love be as simple as combat training?
Steph: How has your life changed sense taking the assignment in Angel Creek? Are you glad you took the job?
Dawn: On one hand, I’m very glad that I took the job because it brought me closer to this crazy group of misfits. Aside from Elisa, they are my first real friends. Once you get to know them, they really aren’t so bad. Well, except when they slack off on training to play video games, chase boys, read books, or play the guitar. At the same time, I keep thinking back to all the events that happened over the summer and I can’t help but wonder if perhaps things would be different today if I hadn’t taken that job...
Steph: Any big plans for the future?
Dawn: Hopefully, there will be a lot of missions that involve butt-kicking, but don’t affect me personally. I’m still trying to deal with everything that happened this summer—especially all of the things regarding my family. The misfits, Sebastian, and Ethan are slowly helping me get through it all.
Steph: Well Dawn it was great chatting with you. Thanks so much for stopping by!
Dawn: Thank you for having me! If you ever want to stop by Angel Creek and check out one of our training sessions, I would be happy to show you some moves.
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