** Note: This Contest is now closed. **
Win a copy of Vampire Kisses (1-3)
by Ellen Schreiber
In her small town, dubbed "Dullsville," 16-year-old Raven- a vampire-crazed goth-girl is an outcast. But not for long...
The intriguing and rumored-to be haunted mansion on top of Benson Hill has stood vacant and bored-up for years. That is, until its mysteriously new occupants move in. Who are these creepy people-especially the hansom, dark and elusive Alexander Sterling? Or rather, what are they? Could the town prattle actually ring true? Are they vampires? Raven, who secretly covets a Vampire kiss, both at the risk of her own mortality and Alexander's loving trust, is dying to uncover the truth.
Ellen schreiber's spooky and stirring romance of two outsiders who fall in love in a town where conformity reigns, and ends with a shocking surprise.
I came across this book and thought it looked good. So I am going to have the contest go until August 10th. What do you have to do? Just leave me a comment telling me what Vampire you would kiss if you had the chance and your E mail address. Plus get an extra vote by talking about this contest on your blog. That's it, Best of luck and as always thanks for your support on thoughts of a Book Junky!
hmmm....I think probably Stefan from the vampire diaries series...that's actually a pretty difficult question!
I would have to say Rose from twilight
I would kiss Damon from the vampire diaries.
I posted about the giveaway at:
I would kiss...well, does Dimitri from Vampire Academy count? He's not exactly a vampire, but he's ... half a vamp! If not, then totally Adrian, from the same series, Vampire Academy!
Sure he counts Lyssa, I haven't read the series yet, but I just got the first one. can't wait to read them!
I really enjoyed this series. :)
There are a few vampires I wouldn't mind kissing but right now at the top of my list is Damon from Vampire Diaries. He just looks like a great kisser, doesn't he? :P
Count me in the contest only if it's international. Thank you!
entrelibros_blog at hotmail.com
Vampire I would kiss??? Hmmmmm, that's a good question! LOL - Not from a YA novel, but Armand from the Vampire Chronicles by Anne Rice always caught my eye. :)
It took me a couple of days to think about this and still I'm not completely sure about this. So I just finished reading Vampire Diaries and I would be tempted to say Damon, but I don't think is my type of vampire :)). Maybe I would choose Darren Shan, also a half vampire. :D
I think I'd kiss Damon from Vampire Diaries.
aikychien at yahoo dot com
Wow there is alot of you who would choose Damon, I really like him too, But I am team Edward all the way. Damon is a close second though, well maybe after Emmett.lol
I'm thinking Damon would be my first choice as well.
Thanks for the chance!
onebookshy (at) yahoo dot com
I would kiss Eric Northman from True Blood. He's such a badass. Thanks for the contest!
and I linked this contest on my blog:
I would kiss Adrian from the Vampire Academy series. mmm sexy =].
I would kiss Bianca from the evernight series
I'd kiss Jareth from the Blood Coven series. That's yummy.
I'd kiss Damen from the immortal series.
I would definitely have to go with Damon from The Vampire Diaries. He is HOTT!! emilyjoymitchell at gmail dot com
Id love to kiss DAMON!
twilightforever.edward at gmail dot com
Damon from the Vampire Diaries. <3 :D He sounds so hot!!!
Allison T.
I'd kiss Adrian from the vampire academy series.
I'm going to be a fan girl and say I would kiss Edward from Twilight! I mean who wouldn't!! lol
blog: http://pinkangel1026.blogspot.com/
Like several other people, I think I'd have to go with Damon!
Ohh I know it's so "following the crowd" of me, but definitely Damon from Vampire Diaries. I mean, seriously... wow... like, WOW.
(Don't tell my husband... LOL)
Emette from Twilight!! Total hottie better then Edward (in my opinion!)
Adrian from the vampire academy series.
Thanks for this great opportunity!
I would definitely kiss either vampire from The Interview with the Vampire (Brad Pitt vs. Tom Cruise:) - or either vampire brother from The Vampire Diaries! :)
+1 for linking to the contest in my sidebar. This is such a fabulous giveaway, I'd love to read and review this book! Thanks so much!
Sorry, I misspelled my email. :)
Definitely Stefan from the Vampire Diaries. :)
Ooo! Good question! If I could kiss any vampire it would have to be Michael Glass from the Morganville Vampires! He is HOT!!! rcchildrenslibrarian (at) yahoo (dot) com
I would so kiss Michael Glass from the Morganville Vampire series! Yummy.
I would love to kiss Spike or Eric Northman :)
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