Please Welcome
Kate Kaynak
Author of
The Ganzfield series!
1) Could you tell us a bit about yourself?
Kate: I studied psychology and taught it around the world for the University of Maryland. I now live in New Hampshire with my husband and three kids under age 6, where I enjoy reading, writing, and fighting crime with my amazing superpowers.
2) What was the inspiration for writing The Ganzfield books?
Kate: I'd read and enjoyed both the Twilight and Sookie Stackhouse books, but both had telepathic characters who could only fall in love with someone whose thoughts they *couldn't* read. I started thinking about what kind of person a telepath *could* fall in love with--and who would be comfortable in a relationship with someone who knew their every thought. I've always loved parapsychology, so playing with the ideas grew pretty quickly into the full cast of sparks, charms, minders, healers, RVs, etc.
3) Were there any personal experiences that went in to writing The Ganzfield series?
4) Was Maddie's character based on anyone or was she a purely made up character? What is she like?
Kate: Actually, Maddie's a lot like me--except when I get angry with someone, my thoughts don't kill them. She's intense and take-charge, but she wants to make things right and take care of the people she sees as "her" people.
5) What was your inspiration in the cover art for Minder?
Kate: It's based on the old Gestalt psychology tests--do you see a vase or two faces? It's funny, though--not everyone sees it. I've had people ask why I have a chess piece or a candlestick on the cover of MINDER. One guy actually thought it was a weird bird. The covers definitely inspire love-it-or-hate-it reactions, though.
6) Do you plan on furthering the Ganzfield series or sticking with a trilogy?
Kate: I submitted book 4 to my editor last week, and I'm nearly done with the first draft of book 5. I think I'll have a total of six books before the major story arcs conclude, and I may do a seventh from Seth's point-of-view, since his story and Maddie's diverge in the later books.
7) Who is your favorite character in the books? And why?

8) If Minder was made into a movie, Who would be your dream cast?

9) Do you write to music? If so, what is your favorite?
Kate: I do! I have a playlist that includes "Mad World" by Gary Jules, several Muse songs, Regina Spektor's "Fidelity," Joshua Radin's "Only You," a couple of songs from Something Corporate, and Scissor Sisters' "Fire with Fire."
10) What do you plan on doing in the future?
Kate: I'll finish the Ganzfield books this year, and my next project will probably be a YA paranormal set at Yale with an incoming frosh who talks to ghosts--and whose family history holds a dark secret.
11) What are you reading right now?
Kate: I just finished Beth Revis' ACROSS THE UNIVERSE, and I loved it. I'm still digesting it.
12) Who are a few of your favorite authors?
Kate: I have SOOO many. All time favorites include Orson Scott Card, Jane Austen, Douglas Adams, Connie Willis, Stephenie Meyers, Gail Carriger,Suzanne Collins, and Scott Westerfield. Keep an eye on Jennifer Armentrout, who's debuting this year--HALF-BLOOD is amazing! I'm biased though, since she's a fellow Spencer Hill author.
Quick Questions:
Favorite Food:
Favorite Book:
Too many to name.
Favorite Color:
Favorite song:
Depends on my mood.
If you could live anywhere, where would it be?
Right here in New Hampshire, but I'd vacation in Aruba.
Where to find Kate:
Great Interview. Thanks for asking about the cover! I had to look hard when I first saw the cover but I knew it was there somewhere. I love it! Thanks for the interview and the giveaway.
I keep hearing about this series and want to read them -- hoping our library gets copies soon! Great interview!
Wow, awesome cover. I love your idea for the cover. Very interesting and how cool that you studied and taught psychology. Look forward to reading your books.
Stephen R. McQueen, YES. YES. YES.
Great interview. And thanks for the giveaway.
Great interview and giveaway!
Love the interview! I'm crossing my fingers for the win. I would love to win Minder. I love the covers of the books-I see people not a vase.
Thanks for the interview, Steph!
Loved the interview and would love to win this book! Oh yeah, and Stephen McQueen?..y u m !
I've seen this book around, but had no idea what it was about. The telepathy thing sounds really cool. Thanks for a chance at winning it! btw I see two faces on the cover! :)
It's great to know there will be more in this series. And Stephen Mcqueen is.....yum is right.
I want to go to Aruba too but only if the Ganzfield crew go too! I would totally get on an airplane for them!
This is an INCREDIBLE series. One of my all time favorite. Kate Kaynak is an incredible & brilliant author. The world she has created is amazing.
I am not entering the contest so good luck to the winner! You will LOVE this book!
I"ve been so wanting to read this series. I also can't wait for half-blood as well. :)
I totally think it looks like a candlestick too! I really love your answer to the songs question. Most of those artists are on my ipod now.
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