Hey guys, so today is the start of September Spectacular giveaway #2. Same rules as last time, post your book review below with Mr. Linky and your entered. If you haven't entered yet, click on the pic above and sign up. If you don't have a blog, you can link your review with goodreads or another similar site. So this week the giveaway is The Hunger Games and a matching key chain. Ends Monday 9-13. So sign up and post your review below! Good luck and happy reading!

Late to the party, it seems. ;_; Well, consider this my non-competing week 1 entry:
I was too. My non-competing week 1 is A Certain Slant of Light. Had it read in time, just slacking on reviews. :)
Just a couple of more chapters to go and I'll be with you. Looking forward to reading all those other offerings.
Hi, I have an award for you! You can pick it up at Mad about Romance
All the best
Jude x
I guess I had a non-competing week read as well. It was The Maze Runner - review to be posted shortly. Being in the Dominican Republic makes one a tad behind on updating! :D
Finished my 3rd book in the 2nd week!
hey just posted my review for the challenge week no 2. i know it's not really a challenge since it's just a childrens book but i love this kind of books and i had to clean up my tbr shelf and , so im entering again.
of course i would love to win yay! next week itd be a real challenge because i intend to read Catherine Coulter's MidSummer Magic!
Just linked to my review for week 2 - Beautiful Malice!
Made a change to my original reading list and added this book in. Loved it! :)
Finished another one in the same week!
I have read the firs and the second book of Hunger Games series and I have the reviews on my blog. I participated with the review to Hunger Games, but I am from Romania, and my blog isn't in English so I used google translate and I don't know if you will be able to understand the translation.
Have just reviewed book 2 - Every Breath You Take by Sheila Quigley. Busy reading book 3 - Measle And The Dragodon by Ian Ogilvy.
I just linked a review to my second book - Clockwork Angel! I finally got to read it! ;)
Thank you for these giveaways this is so fun, though I am not reading as I thought I would which stinks! :D
Yeah, I'm finding it harder to get my books read too. I think it's because the weather is so nice and there is actually more to do with the kids in school than not. Anyway, I hope you like my review. It's the 2nd book in a series. I have 4 to read to catch up!
Happy Blogfest
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