Monday, January 24, 2011

Review: Human Blend + Giveaway

Loi Pescatore
Paperback, 234 pages
June 10, 2010

She was breaking a promise she made to herself. Her thoughts were silenced the minute his lips touched hers. It was different, Julie realized.

Escaping from them had been difficult enough, now Laney needs to keep hidden. All she wanted was to be on her own. Laney is not like other girls... she has very special abilities that set her apart from others. How or why she came about these abilities is a mystery she has yet to unfold. 

Haunted by memories and flashbacks of the suffering she endured at the hands of her captors, she changes her appearance and hides out in a small town. Ignoring her own warnings, she begins a relationship with a local boy. 

The relationship turns dangerous when the boy begins developing similar abilities. This development does not fall under the radar of the men who are trying to recapture her. 

A young doctor's interest is piqued when he witnesses her mysteriously curing a young child's illness. He befriends her due to his growing fascination with uncovering the true nature of her abilities, but not without harboring secrets of his own. Laney's new life falls apart when she meets a young intern that seems to have all the answers to her questions. The information sends her into a tail spin. Thoughts of going on the run once again are thwarted as those whom she was running from find her.

Let me start of by saying, I loved this book. The concept was original, the plot fast paced and kept me drawn in throughout the entire book!

Julie as a character was really fun to read. She was a strong girl with a strong personality and knew how to take care of her self. She also had a love for helping people which I thought was great. With everything going on in her life all she wanted to do was lead a normal life and help the people around her.

When Julie comes to the town of Marion, she never intended to meet Austin. He immediately is drawn to Julie. As Austin and Julie become friends, it becomes apparent to Julie that she is getting to close to Austin. Even though she knows she needs to distance her self from him, she seems to be doing the complete opposite. 

I liked Austins character, he was that sweet boy next door type. He was caring and wanted to make Julie feel special throughout the book. We see him doing all types of sweet things for Julie that would give any girl the worm fuzzies.

When Julie goes to the local Hospital to do volunteer work she meets the Eli the resident Doctor. He  immediately knows her is not all human and he wants to know her secret. Julie shortly finds out that Eli isn't entirely human either. As Eli and Julie learn more about each other, they start to have feelings for one another.   

I absolutely loved Eli's character, he was a protector. He wanted to help Julie at all costs and does everything he can for her. He was kind and caring but also knew when to lay down the law. As Eli and Jules relationship progresses, Julie is faced with the choice of what direction to take.

Without giving too much away, I will say this, Human Blend was a great story with mythological beings that we are introduced to that are pretty uncommon in the YA scene today. I loved the uniques story and the great relationships that were introduced. 

Overall I really enjoyed Human Blend. I do feel the characters could have been described in a bit more detail. The visual details were a bit vague(hair color, and eyes)  I am a very visual reader and I wish I had a better sense of who I was reading about. Other than that I really loved it. I am really looking forward to more from Lori Pescatore and am hoping that there is a sequel to Human Blend and it comes out soon! 


This book was part of my A-Z Reading Challenge. As you know for every book I complete, I will be giving away a prize!

One winner will receive a copy of Human Blend!
To enter, please leave a comment with your email.

If you are not apart of  the A-Z  Reading Challenge and you would like to enter SIGN UP HERE!
If you are already participating you are automatically entered and get +5 entries!

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Ends 2-20-2011

Happy Reading!!


Vivien said...

Great one!
+1 follower

deadtossedwaves at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the review and giveaway! Please count me in!

+1 GFC follower


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the review! I've heard about this one, but promptly forgot about it, so nice to have it on my radar (again).


Britta said...

Thanks for the review and giveaway. I've never heard about this one... but it sounds interesting.

+1 Follower
+1 Tweet!/ILikeTheseBooks/status/29693903540068353


Julia @ That Hapa Chick said...

Awesome review! Now I want to read this one super bad! Haha. I'll have to see if I can pick it up from the Library sometime.

+1 I'm a GFC Follower


Reading Mind / The Loyal Book said...

Well' I can give it a try, if it's international!
+1 follower

aliasgirl at libero dot it

Jay said...

Ooh, this book sounds so good! I've never heard of it before, I will be keeping an eye out for it now. Thanks for the review and giveaway. :)

+1 Follower


Kristen My Bookish Fairy Tale said...

Great giveaway! I have heard great things about this book. Great review and thanks for the giveaway!

Zoë said...

great giveaway and review sounds great


Zoë said...

I'm a follower :)

Ricki said...

Great review.
I am a follower.

Lexie@BookBug said...

+1 GFC follower (Lexie@BookBug)
+1 Tweeted at!/LexieBookBug/status/29704453607129088
I am doing the A to Z challenge.

Uniquely Moi Books said...

+1 follower
+5 already participating in A-Z Challenge

Ammy Belle said...

Hm ... thanks for the review and congrats on B!
I have this on my TBR list, and I would love to be entered in the contest!

I am also a follower and on FB (Ammy Pereira)

Thanks! :)


Jasmine Cervik said...

I've been interested in this one...Thanks for the chance!

I'm a follower!


Carolina M. Valdez Schneider said...

I can't believe I've never heard of this book! I must look it up. It sounds great! Thanks for the review and recommendation!

Llehn said...

I've already signed with the A-Z challenge.

I'm a follower.

Total = 6


Hannahhh said...

I would love to be entered!

GFC follower


iLuvReadingTooMuch said...

OMG sounds so good! and i'd like to be entered please, only if it's international though :)

+1 Follower


ArtemisG said...

Great review and giveaway!
I'm a follower.

Unknown said...

this looks like a great book!

+1 i'm a follower!

catty189 @ aol dot com

Jessy said...

I'm dying to know what the characters in this book actually are. Thanks for the intro to a new book.


findjessyhere at gmail dot com

Vidisha said...

Great Giveaway!!
GFC follower old

vidishamun (at) gmail (dot) com

Aylee said...

Loving your descriptions of the characters! Although I get a bit annoyed when the visual details are vague, as well.

barmybex said...

cool sounds like a good book. I finished my first A-Z book today :D

already a participant

Pisinat said...

Mmmm... I'll maybe switch Hex Hall to this one in my challenge... That wouldn't be reasonnable since I already have Hex hall on my TBR-pile but not Human Blend... but who knows ^^

So yes, I'm already participating in the challenge

I'm a follower


Sage Ravenwood said...

Wicked awesome review, definitely want to be entered for 'Human Blend'. Thanks for the opportunity! (Hugs) Indigo

I'm a GFC Follower

Monica said...
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Monica said...

Congrats on finishing your first book in the challenge! Thanks for the giveaway!

+1 GFC follower
+5 Participating in challenge


Lisa (Lisa's World of Books) said...

I would love to win!
Follower +1

Orchid said...

Nice review! Human Blend sounds like a truly unique read (love books with mythological aspects), I'll definitely have to see if my library has it.
Thanks for the great giveaway. ^_^

+1 follower

hauntingorchid (at) aol (dot) com

Allana Woods said...

Love the Review! It sounds like a really good book. Thanks for the giveaway!

+1 GFC Follower
+1 Tweeted about giveaway

Total 2

Jasmine1485 said...

There's been so much buzz about Human Blend, I'd love to read this! :)

I'm following via GFC as Jasmine1485 +1

Kate1485 at

Theresa said...

I've heard so much about this book! I'm really looking forward to it! Great review!

+1 gfc follower
+1 tweet:

Jacinda (The Reading Housewives) said...

Great review! :) :) :)

+5 already signed up for the challenge
+1 follower

=6 total entries


Bookworm Lisa said...

I just signed up for your challenge.

I am a gfc follower

I am a new twitter follower @Bookworm_Lisa and facebook (Lisa Snider Faber)


Gaming Gabby said...

Great review! Thanks for the giveaway. :)

+5 I'm already participating in the challenge.

+1 GFC follower


samantha35 said...

great giveaway
follow via gfc +1

sablelexi said...

Great Giveaway.
+1 I'm a GFC follower.

jlynettes @ hotmail . com

Myranda said...

Thanks for the giveaway!

+5 for challenge
+1 for follower

MoonStar said...
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MoonStar said...

Great review :)
+1 follower
+5 challenge

Michele said...

Thanks for the chance!!

+1 follower

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Agh! I deleted my last post because I forgot my email address.

Great review! This book sounds very interesting.

+1 Follower (GFC)
+5 Challenge participant :)

penelopelolohea {at} gmail dot com

Deea said...

Hey Steph! I just joined the A-Z Reading Challenge, I'm sure it's going to be fun! Human Blend is not on my list, but I'm still curious to read it. It sounds like something I would enjoy.:D Great review! I'm also a GFC follower, I love your blog!


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