Monday, August 2, 2010

Author Spotlight: Emma Michaels.

Look Who Stopped By:
Emma Michaels author of
The Thirteenth Chime

No one knew of it's existence until it was removed from the attic upstairs.
In a beautiful house that overlooks the sea, an antique clock has the power to change the course of their lives.
The power the clock resonates will not only force Destiny and ex-boyfriend David on a journey in to the depths of one man's mind long dead, but into the mind of a man filled with hatred and bent on revenge.
With the only clues to the nature of the clock having disappeared in to the see, Destiny and David must retrace the steps the man had taken into the darkness, before they fall prey to the trap he had set in motion over half a century ago.
The Thirteenth Chime comes out august 13th
Make sure to check it out!

On to the interview:

1)What was your inspiration for writing the Thirteenth Chime?

Emma-I had the inspiration for the book shortly coming to Washington one night during a bad storm that had knocked the power out in my area. We went next door to share a few candles and for the company. Lightning flashed and thunder shook the house, lighting up the room we were in even through the draperies. Then the sky went silent. The silence made my breath catch and in the next moment, the antique grandfather clock in the house began to chime. The sound echoed through the house and my heart jumped into my throat. I unconsciously reached out to take someones hand, yearning to feel a bond, and it was in that moment " The Thirteenth Chime" was born.

2)Did you base your characters on Destiny and Davin on anyone in particular?

Emma- Actually no, they are completely independent characters, although if we physiologically examined each of them there might be something that perks up. I love the chemistry between them and how they interact with their world.

3) Are you planning on having The Thirteenth Chime as a stand alone novel or a series?

Emma- It is my hope that if potential fans enjoy the "The Thirteenth Chime", Then I will be able to bring more sequels out. I think from the story of David and Destiny there is more to be learned about their world, so hopefully all of us get to find out what happens next.

4) Is there any part of the novel that is based on your life?

Emma-Many of the locations in question take place where I have personally been or even currently live. I love Washington and the undeniable beauty of this land and how it can pull you in, much like Alice was pulled into Wonderland.

5) Do you plan to write other novels?

Emma- Yes, I do have other novels planned. It is my hope that if potential fans really enjoy
"The Thirteenth Chime", then I will be able to bring more sequels out. I also have another series in the works and if potential fans like " The Thirteenth Chime" they will really like this series too.
Thank you so much for having me and to everyone reading!!!
Your support means so much to me!!!
Emma Michaels
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