- It will start September 1st and go on through September 30th.
- There will be a 5 book reading challenge, ( one book a week) that you will have to read. Which books? Any 5 you want. Its your choice... Easy huh. At the end of that week you will post your review on your blog and add your link to the Mr. Linky at the bottom. ( If you don't have a blog you can either post a comment, letting everyone know what you think about the book or sent me an email with your review) * Sep first starts on a Wednesday so you can start your first book on Sunday the 29th if you want.
- At the end of each week a giveaway will be posted. That's 5 giveaways!! The only thing you have to do to enter is, link your review on that weeks Mr. Linky. Plus get an extra entry if you add the September Spectacular button to your post or sidebar! ( Open Internationally)
My 5 books are:
So there you have it. I challenge you!! Happy reading!
* Just a quick note: Mr. Linky is not working for me at the moment so if you want to sign up just leave a post with your URL and make sure to link your review to the Mr . linky on the first giveaway post...That one seems to be working!
Hi Steph! I have an award for you!
Sounds like fun! I am in!
I don't know how these things work, but I always check out the blogs. It's great way to link into related sites.
Thanks for the opportunity to be in.
hey im definitely joining! but i need to DECIDE what to read for this challenge. things are crazy at the moment! i will post my 5 chosen 5 books next week!
Sounds great!!!
Awesome idea - I think I can manage 5 books in a month! I am going to try! I have posted this on my site and I will post again as soon as I make my list!
I don't have a blog, but I'd love to join. Would it be alright if I link to reviews I post on Goodreads instead?
looks like fun and reading other peoples reviews will give me new books to read! thanks!
Brooke- Thats fine as long as you do the 5 books and post a review and link it here. :)
All signed up - WOOT soo excited!!!
I clicked over after finding your challenge button on another blog.
This sounds like a fun challenge. I do love to read!
Great idea, I'm always up for a challenge, I love to challenge myself.
woot my first challenge! :D signed up!
Hope I manage this one - failed my last reading challenge miserably!!
Just picked my books and here's hoping!!!
Awesome contest Stephanie!!! I left a link to where I will be posting my reviews but the site isn't updated a lot. Really it's a failed book site but it's the only place I can post my reviews, is that okay???
New to your blog - your september spectacular is a wonderful challenge, count me in.
Where is the Mr Linky? I can't find it.
Bahnee, Its at the bottom of the post, just put your name and a link to your blog!
Signed up!!! Loving it, this is my first challenge. ^_^
is it okay to change our list whenever we feel like it?
Ann- you can change your books any time!!! Have Fun!!
Ann- you can change your books any time!!! Have Fun!!
Thanks! Sounds like fun!
Thank you Steph! It must be a Google Chrome problem because it's not showing up.
Sounds like something I can manage this time around! I'm in!! Put a post up on my blog as well. Not sure if there is any other official way to say I'm participating!
Hello, this is my first challenge! I've written a post about it in my blog! I can't open the mr linky, I don't know why!
Hey guys, I'm not sure why Mr. Linky is not working... I'll try working on it!
I'm siging up for the challenge just in time for September! I'm looking forward to reading, seeing a lot of awesome reviews and checking out the prizes! I've made a post about the contest and have posted up a button on my sidebar!
My Post
Hi. I want to participate but I am not able to make a post yet due to my stupid laptop that tore up. I will make the official post Thursday and hope to link it to the Mr. linky.
I would love to sign up!
Posting about it tmrw!
- Alex
yay! i want to join...
What a cool idea, I'm in! Heh, wish I'd read about this yesterday (Aug 31), I wouldn't have posted my review, would have saved it for September! ;)
This is such a good challenge cos I never get around to writing reviews of all the books I read, so hopefully this'll help me with that! Cheers!
My blog is at phyntosia.blogspot.com.
I'd love to join in as well - 5 books is definitely do-able!
A Tapestry of Words
I will be joining! Lets hope with school that I can still squeeze in one 'just for fun' book a week!
This is an awesome idea. I would love to join in!
My blog is: http://fictionkingdom.blogspot.com/
I signed up a while ago, but since Mr. Linky is not being nice, I am signing up again! :)
Here's a link to my original entry...
Well, I'd like to be in this contest too. I thought I'd already left a comment but I don't see it. I've had your button up that shows the challenge for at least a week if not longer. So how do we post if Mr. Linky doesn't work?
Or you have no electricity due to a hurricane????
Buried in Books
I'd like to participate at this contest!
Anna from Books to Brighten your Mood
Gaby @ Oh My Books!
Hi - I'd really like to join.
I don't have a blog as such - but do my reviews on goodreads.com - would that be ok?
If so - my first book - Mockingjay
Ok here is my official post.
Ashley's Bookshelf
Eh, why not? I read about a book a week anyway. ^_^
oh crap. Even though I did a post about this on Aug 24, I guess I forgot to sign up. Or maybe Mr. Linky was still working when I signed up. Either way, I'd better do this just in case. My start post.
Hello I forgot to sign up earlier. But here's my link
Hmm.. I'm not sure if I'm signed up or not, so here is my link:
When I'm in a library, I never know what to chose ... Thanks for this piece of advice ! Great Giveaway !
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