RULES: 1. Enter your book blog link in the Linky List below In your link, please state the main genre that you review: eclectic, contemp. fiction, ya, paranormal, mystery, non-fiction, etc. Please do not list every genre you review - if you are review a variety, please put eclectic! The Hop gets jumbled up if the title is too long, so please limit to one genre. I will be limiting the number of characters in the title to ensure the Hop doesn't look messy! Thank you!Example: Crazy-for-Books (literary fiction)NOTE: You no longer have to enter the length of time you've been blogging, but do let us know if this is your first time hopping with us!2. Post about the Hop on your blog. Spread the word about the book party! The more the merrier! In your blog post, answer the following question (new question each week!). If you have a question that could be used in a future Hop, leave it in the comments! Thanks!
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Are You Following Me? (3)
Wow it's Friday already. This week I have 2 contests going. My 100+ follower giveaway and The September Spectacular reading Challenge and Giveaway! Check them out and sign up!

To join the fun and make now book blogger friends, just follow these simple rules:
Follow the Follow My Book Blog Friday Host { } and any one else you want to follow on the list . Follow the featured blog:
Put your Blog name & URL in the Linky thing.
Grab the button up there and place it in a post, this post is for people to find a place to say hi in your comments
Follow Follow Follow as many as you can
If someone comments and says they are following you, be a dear and follow back. Spread the Love...and the followers
If you want to show the link list, just follow the link below the entries and copy and paste it within your post!
If your new to the follow friday hop, comment and let me know, so I can stop by and check out your blog! Weekly Question: What is the first book that you remember reading? It would have to be A Fly went by, by Mike McClintock & Fritz Siebel.
Do you use a rating system for your reviews and if so, what is it and why?
I use a grading type rating system because I think it gives a in depth look at my opinion on the book I am reviewing!
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Hopping through. Have a great weekend! I'm a new follower.
My Hop
Hi. I'm hopping over on the blog. What a pretty blog! Wow!
I'm hopping back. Thanks so much for checking out and following my blog! I really appreciate it!
I was browsing around and noticed you did a post about the Halo cover. I did one a little while ago too. It's so awesome. I also noticed you had a snake! Ah! (Is scared to death of snakes)
I'm your newest follower. Happy reading!
I am already a follower, just wanted to hop by and wish you an awesome weekend!
I love your blog! I'm just hopping through and am your newest follower! Have a great day!
Hey Steph!
I'm an old follower, but I wanted to drop by and say hi! I hope you have a great weekend!
I'm a new follower and I'm glad I came by for the Hop. Right now I'm not whether I want to use a trsaditional rating maybe shrtink down the one I have.
interesting conversation
Happy Follow Friday!
I'm stopping my to say hello. I think your blog is so cute. My favorite color is purple. I'm now a follower.
Have a great weekend!!
Hello! Just hopping by! I love your signature with the butterfly! :)
Your site is just adorable.
Just hopping by...stop at my site if you like.
I don't think I've mentioned this before, but the owl in the tree on your header makes me smile.
Happy Friday!
Missy's Reads & Reviews
Hi there! *waves*
Hopping over via hop! you blog is looking fantastic! Sometimes I wish my blog design was different! Definitely hopping over soem over time too! Have a lovely weekend! I follow you already!
Til next time!
Badass Bookie xx (Lisa)
Hey Stephanie, I'm a new follower. I just love your header, too cute! Hey, I'm having a giveaway! Sign up!
See ya,
Readaholics Anonymous
Hi Steph! I came trough the hop and I just wanted to say hi. :)
Great blog and very cute layout.
I do hope you have a wonderful weekend.
Hoppin' by from FF to say hello. Already a follower.
Enjoy your weekend!
I like your rating system! Hope you have a great weekend!
I writechildren's books and I am your newest follower. Super nice blog. Come to my place when you can. :)
Older follower stopping by to say hi and check out my weekly meme Book Review of the Week-->
Stopping by from the hop. I'm now a follower. =)
Interesting way to review books! I don't think I've seen stars categorized by number grade before.
Check out my hop post here.
Stopping by from the hop! I've been trying to follow you all night but GoogleFriend Connect is not working however as soon as it decides to work again, I'll definitely be following!
Here for the Hop! I do not use a rating system. No two books are alike, unless they have the same author.
I'm stopping by from the blog hops and I wanted to say that I am now a new follower! Have a great weekend!
What Book is That?
Hiya! You have an award at my blog :)
1. I love how cute your blog is!!!!
2. I also use a grading type system! I now feel like we're review-buddies.
Ten Cent Notes
Hello. I found you through the blog hop. I'm a follower and I loved your interview with the author of Nightshade. That book looks really interesting to me. I look forward to reading more reviews.
Your review system seems pretty comprehensive.
Stopping by from Follow Friday -- I'm a new follower!
Be sure to check out my Hunger Games giveaway for HG themed pendants and T-shirts to celebrate the release of Mockingjay!
Have a great weekend!
aka The Nerd's Wife
Hey! I'm really looking forward to the September Spectacular Challenge! I guess I need to finish my current book so I can get busy on a book for Week 1! :)
I'm your newest follower from the hop/follow Friday!
You have a really nice blog and I'm glad I hopped by!
Have an amazing weekend!
Stopped by for the hop! I'm a new follower and just wanted to say I love your blog design. Hope you will stop by my blog An Avid Reader's Musings.
Hi there! Just hopping on by. I'm a new follower. =D
Hi! New follower from the hop! Love the interview. Nightshade is on my reading list! Stop on by!:)
Just found you via the Hop. I love your blog and can't wait to come back for new content. Have a great week!
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