Tuesday, August 24, 2010

E-Reader Advice???

Howdy Guys,
So I have been back and forth 5 million
times on the E-Reader thing...
To get one, Not to get one. I just don't know. Here is what I know, I love books, I love buying them, I love holding them and I love them on my shelf. This will never change. But I have been getting quite a few requests from authors who only have digital copies of their books for review. So I have decided I am going to get one. Now on to the hard stuff. Which one do I get? There are so many out there and I have looked at them all but it is still hard to choose. I am leaning toward the Nook, but am still undecided. So I ask you this, Dear readers: Which do you like best, and why. What are some of your favorite features, is there anything you don't like.
I would love your opinions!


Anonymous said...

I guess it would depend on what formats these authors have their books available in -- I personally prefer MS Reader but this caters to .lit files which are easy on the eyes when reading from the computer.

--Noey, Would You Like Tea?

Jessi E. said...

I have the Nook, and I absolutely love it. The touch screen at the bottom is really easy to use, and I love the way it functions.

Unknown said...

I just went though this -

I have a Nook, I got it mostly to be able to read books from NetGalley.com, as well as authors ect. but now, I am finding I am buying books for my Nook.

I also LOVE holding a book, and am still having trouble remembering what I have for the Nook - with a book you can see the spine, LOL no way to do that with the Nook.

But I really enjoy reading with it, it's so easy to use, and I love the touch screen at the bottom.

I wish you lots of luck with your decision!

Steph said...

Well it looks like I am going in the right direction with the nook!! Thanks for all the help!

Emily said...

I'm going to weigh in for team Kindle here and say that I LOVE my Kindle. I love the experience of reading print books, too, but I'm to the point where the books I buy in print are books that either have truly beautiful cover art that's as much a decoration for me as it is something to read, or books that are in a series that I'm firmly devoted to. Otherwise, one click ordering on my Kindle and being able to sell stuff back to Amazon for gift certificate credits are definitely my favorite way to buy books now.

Deb Nance at Readerbuzz said...

I have a Kindle and an iPad and I prefer the iPad. I can actually read my Kindle books on the iPad.

My sister-in-law prefers the lighting of the Kindle.

Panela Na Janela said...

Great read, thank you.

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